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Handel, Mozart, Martinu

Wednesday 1 June 2022

Two of our musicians show you don’t need lots of people – or any bass instruments – to make music that doesn’t compromise on variety or sheer quantity of sound. We start with one of Johan Halvorsen’s virtuosic passacaglias on a very well-known theme by Handel that push the violin and viola to their very limit. Then we go on to explore the very different, but nevertheless linked worlds of Martinu and Mozart. Martinu’s three Madrigals transfix, combining the quietly sublime with ferocious exuberance, whilst Mozart’s easy and buoyant melodies will leave you to enjoy the rest of your day in a joyous mood.


  1. Handel / Halvorsen Passacagli
  2. Mozart Duo in G
  3. Martinu Madrigals

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